- All Policies and Terms of Use

We have collected all of our policies and our terms of use below.

By using our site you agree to have read and accepted all of them.

Terms of Use

This section represents our Terms of Use regarding our site,, and the information, products or services we provide you. With "we" or "our" we refer to and or employees of

We reserve the right to amend, revise and update these Terms of Use at any time. Users/visitors of the site and/or the products or services that we provide can always find the most up to date policies and terms of use on our homepage,

By using or accessing our website and its contents or using our products or services you explicitly and implicitly agree to be bound by our policies and terms of use each time you use or access our site, products or services. If you don't want to be bound by these policies or terms of use, you should not use or access our website or use or access our products or services.

External links to other websites

Our site, products or services, may have links to other websites. These are provided for your convenience and reference only. We are not responsible for any content on any external website. We do not endorse, have any affiliation or association with the external websites owner or operator if not expressly disclosed.

Exclusion of liability, indemnification

The content on our site, products and services are provided "as is". We accept no responsibility, liability or claims of indemnification for any action or non-action you or others take from any of the contents of our site, our products or services or the external links we provide.

As a user of our site, products or services you agree to defend, indemnify, and hold us, and the employees of, harmless from and against any claims, actions, demands, liabilities and settlements resulting from your use of our site, products or services.

Content disclaimer

You as a visitor should not assume that the content we provide is up-to-date or contains current accurate information. We add content at our discretion and we reserve the right to change or choose not to change the information at any time.

Jurisdiction is based in Sweden and you expressly agree that exclusive jurisdiction for any dispute with or in any way relating to your use of our site, our products or our services, resides in the courts of Gothenburg, Sweden.

Privacy Policy

We respect your privacy.

At this moment we have no code implemented to gather any user-data except the anonymized data that goes to Google Analytics (GA). We use the data to keep track of what pages our visitors visits. This enables us to see what kind of topics our readers visits us to read about so that we might write more in those topics. We also want to be able to give the best user experience technically (load times etc.). Read more about how we work with Google Analytics below in our Cookie Policy.

The data your visit produces is not in any way possible to link to personally identifiable information.

You control how we use your data

Google Analytics collects and uses data, and offer users the opportunity to opt-out or otherwise take control of their personal information.

You can access these controls through the links below

  • Google
  • This Privacy Policy does not apply to information, content, business information, ideas, concepts or inventions that you send to by email or by using our form. If you want to keep this kind of information private or proprietary we ask you not to message us.

    Cookie Policy

    What is a cookie?

    A cookie is a small text file (often including a unique identifier), that is sent to a user's browser from a website's computers and stored on a user's computer or on a tablet or mobile device (collectively, "Computer"). A Cookie stores a small amount of data on your Computer about your visit to the Site.

    What cookies do we use?

    We respect your privacy. We at do not, ourselves, implement cookies for the site to work. We expect this to not change but if so we will update this section.

    However, we use services from actors specified below

    These actors have to use cookies for them to be able to provide us with their service and also enrich our visitors/users experience on our site.

    1. Google Analytics

    We use Analytics as a way to see what kind of traffic reaches our site. Analytics Cookies allow us to see the overall patterns of usage on the Site, rather than the usage of a single person.

    Below are all the steps and considerations we have executed to safeguard your privacy in regards to Analytics.

    We do not send any data to Google Analytics ourselves. The only data that is collected is collected by Google Analytics and its use of cookies. You can read more about the cookies Analytics uses here.

    Analytics collects and uses data, and offer users the opportunity to opt-out of or modify/take control of the personal information that is used by Google. Please go to Googles privacy and terms to read more.

    If you're visiting us as a logged in Google user

    Google Analytics collects additional information about your activity on the web and also during your visit to our site, if you're logged in with your Google account.

    We've instructed Google to store/use this information from your visit to our site for 2 months (the shortest available period).

    You can control the use, collection and retention of this information through their My Activity page.

    Additional resources and information

    • Read about how Google uses Cookies here.

    • More information about Google's data practices
      • Google has an article that summarizes Google Analytics' data practices and commitment to protecting the confidentiality and security of data. Visitors to sites or apps using Google Analytics (aka "users") may learn about our end user controls. Read about it here.

    • Opt-Out available
      • Google has implemented a way for users to opt-out from Google Analytics. We ask you to read more about it here.

    • Take control of your information with Googles help
      • You can control and/or delete information that Google has or collects about you through their My Activity page.

    GDPR - General Data Protection Regulation (EEA)

    GDPR is regulation that in essence provides increased protection for PII (personally identifiable information) and the way that information is gathered, processed, securely stored and eventually deleted. The information gathered has to be the minimal amount required to do a pre-determined task for which the user has given hir or her consent.

    At this moment we make the determination that we do not gather, process, store and therefor have no need to delete personally identifiable information about our users on our site.

    Read more about what consent is required for cookies according to the EU Internet Handbook here.

    Google manages data in its ads products. Please read how they do it and how it relates to GDPR here.

    Our Editorial Policy

    We regularly review our content to avoid errors, but we cannot guarantee full correctness of all content.